Publications - Jan Švorc

Journal articles (1)

1. * Jan Švorc: Subjective Well-Being and Individual Material Situation in Four Countries of Central Europe. Sociológia 50:6 (2018), 727-759. Sociologický ústav SAV.   Download

Conference papers (2)

1. * Jan Švorc, Jiří Vomlel: Bayesian Networks for the Analysis of Subjective Well-Being. Proceedings of the 22nd Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making (CJS’19), 175-188. MatfyzPress, Praha 2019.   Download
2. * Jan Švorc, Jiří Vomlel: Employing Bayesian Networks for Subjective Well-being Prediction. Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES’18), 189-204. MatfyzPress, Publishing House of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University, Praha 2018.   Download

Other publications (1)

1. * Jan Švorc, Jiří Vomlel: Subjective well-being and the individual material situation in Central Europe: A Bayesian network approach. Research Report 2387. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2020.   Download