Publications - Silvia Carpitella

Journal articles (7)

1. * B. Brentan, Silvia Carpitella, J. Izquierdo, E. Luvizotto, G. Meirelles: District metered area design through multicriteria and multiobjective optimization. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 45:6 (2022), 3254-3271. Wiley.   Download
2. * Silvia Carpitella, M. Inuiguchi, Václav Kratochvíl, Miroslav Pištěk: Multi-criteria decision analysis without consistency in pairwise comparisons. Computers & Industrial Engineering 168. Elsevier.   Download
3. * U. Ahmed, Silvia Carpitella, A. Certa: An integrated methodological approach for optimising complex systems subjected to predictive maintenance. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 216. Elsevier.   Download
4. * Silvia Carpitella, M. Ilyas, J. Benítez, F. Carpitella, A. Certa, J. Izquierdo, M. La Cascia: A risk evaluation framework for the best maintenance strategy: The case of a marine salt manufacture firm. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 205. Elsevier.   Download
5. * G. Aiello, J. Benítez, Silvia Carpitella, A. Certa, M. Enea, J. Izquierdo, M. La Cascia: A decision support system to assure high performance maintenance service. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 27:4 (2021), 651-670. Emerald Publishing.   Download
6. * B. Brentan, Silvia Carpitella, D. Barros, G. Meirelles, A. Certa, J. Izquierdo: Water Quality Sensor Placement: A Multi-Objective and Multi-Criteria Approach. Water Resources Management 35:1 (2021), 225-241. Springer.   Download
7. * Silvia Carpitella, A. Certa, J. Izquierdo, M. La Cascia: Multi-criteria decision-making approach for modular enterprise resource planning sorting problems. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 28, 234-247. Wiley.   Download

Conference papers (15)

1. * V. Cinnirella, Silvia Carpitella, A. Coco, D.D.M. Frangiamore, R. Pezzino de Geronimo: Sustainable suppliers evaluation in the waste management sector: the case of a leading Sicilian enterprise. IFAC-PapersOnLine. Volume 55, Issue 11 - IFAC Workshop on Control for Smart Cities CSC 2022, 66-71. Elsevier, Amsterdam 2022.   Download
2. * Silvia Carpitella, J. Izquierdo: Preference-Based Assessment of Organisational Risk in Complex Environments. Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making, 40-52. Springer, Cham 2022.   Download
3. * T. Anchieta, G. Meirelles, B.M. Brentan, Silvia Carpitella: Hydraulic Capacity Recovery after Demand Expansion: Complex Network and Preference-Aided Multicriteria Analysis. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2022, 1015-1028. American Society of Civil Engineers, Atlanta 2022.   Download
4. * B. Brentan, Silvia Carpitella, J. Izquierdo, I. Montalvo: Multi-objective, rule and preference-based placement of quality sensors in water supply networks. IFAC-PapersOnLine. Volume 55, Issue 6 - 11th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes SAFEPROCESS 2022, 482-489. Elsevier, Amsterdam 2022.   Download
5. * H. Flores Casamayor, Silvia Carpitella, J. Izquierdo, J. Mora-Rodríguez, X. Delgado-Galván: Hybrid evaluation of the industrial global impact on Mexican aquifers under uncertain criteria evaluations. Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, 49-60. MatfyzPress, Prague 2022.   Download
6. * U. Ahmed, Silvia Carpitella, A. Certa: Characterizing Uncertainty In Decision-Making Models For Maintenance In Industry 4.0. Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, 1-12. MatfyzPress, Prague 2022.   Download
7. * I. Mzougui, Silvia Carpitella, J. Izquierdo: Contingency plan selection under interdependent risks. Modelling for Engineering & Human Behaviour 2021, 111-116. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencie 2021.   Download
8. * J. Benítez, Silvia Carpitella, J. Izquierdo: Improved pairwise comparison transitivity using strategically selected reduced information. Modelling for Engineering & Human Behaviour 2021, 106-110. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencie 2021.   Download
9. * T.F.F. Anchieta de, S.A.R. Santos, B. Brentan, Silvia Carpitella, J. Izquierdo: Managing expert knowledge in water network expansion project implementation. IFAC-PapersOnLine.Volume 54, Issue 17 - 6th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems CHAOS 2021, 36-40. Elsevier, Amsterdam 2021.   Download
10. * Silvia Carpitella, Miroslav Pištěk, M. Inuiguchi, Václav Kratochvíl: A novel approach to handle intransitive judgements in industrial control problems. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation (MAS 2021), 162-169. I3M, Janov 2021.   Download
11. * Silvia Carpitella, A. Certa, J. Izquierdo: Flexible negotiation process to adhere to human preferences - A case of work equipment risk assessment. Proceedings - 26th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, RQD 2021, 261-265. International Society of Science and Applied Technologies, Edison 2021.   Download
12. * M. Ilyas, Silvia Carpitella, E. F. Zoubir: Designing supplier selection strategies under COVID-19 constraints for industrial environments. Procedia CIRP, Volume 100 (2021) : 31st CIRP Design Conference 2021 (CIRP Design 2021), 589-594. Elsevier, Amsterdam 2021.   Download
13. * Silvia Carpitella, I. Mzougui, J. Izquierdo: Fuzzy cognitive maps for knowledge-oriented human risk management in industry. Proceedings - 26th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, RQD 2021, 134-138. International Society of Science and Applied Technologies, Edison 2021.   Download
14. * U. Ahmed, Silvia Carpitella, A. Certa: Managerial decision making for complex service systems Optimization. Proceedings - 26th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, RQD 2021, 6-10. International Society of Science and Applied Technologies, Edison 2021.   Download
15. * Silvia Carpitella, J. Izquierdo, Martin Plajner, Jiří Vomlel: Integrating the human factor in FMECA-based risk evaluation through Bayesian networks. Modelling for Engineering & Human Behaviour 2020, 24-29. The Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia 2020.   Download

Other publications (4)

1. * Silvia Carpitella, J. Izquierdo: Sistemas dinámicos lineales discretos. Una primera pincelada. Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencie 2022.   Download
2. * Silvia Carpitella, J. Izquierdo: Clasificaciones deportivas y búsquedas en internet. Asomándote a las redes complejas. Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencie 2022.   Download
3. * J. Benítez, Silvia Carpitella, J. Izquierdo: Una clase inicial de motivación para el Álgebra Matricial. 2021.   Download